DataGrid plays very important component in ASP.Net Application. It covers most of the basic reports for which you do not need any reporting component like Crystal Report, Report Viewer etc.
Major concern with any data entry form is Add, Edit, Delete and View.
We are using SQL Server Express editions as Database.
Table Name- Employees
Fields- EmpId, EmpName, Designation
Take GridView control on page and set the ID property to dgEmployees.
Go to property builder by right click on
GridView -> Show Smart Tag -> Edit Columns.
Uncheck Auto-Generate Field from the Property window.
Add three TemplateField Column for Employee Name, Designation, & Delete Button. Add Edit button from CommandField Group from Property Window.
TemplateField Colums have ItemTemplate,
Alternating Item Template,
Edit Template, Header Template, Footer Template.
Each template columns Item Template field contains Label Control & Edit Template contains TextBox control for Editing item. Set the Binding Field name to the Text Property of both controls for each template field to the respective Database Column Name
i.e Eval("EmpName").
Set the DataKeyNames property of GridView to Primary Key Column of DataBase i.e. EmpId.
This property binds the database column field value to each row of gridview as a Unique Identifier.
Set the data bindings for Delete Button for CommandArgument Eval("EmpId"); for saving the ID column value from database for fetching the ID field value while Deleting the Record.
Set the CommandName property to Delete Button to CMDDelete. The CommandName property can contain any string name which can be used to recognize the type of command invoked from gridview. Because when any of the event generated in GridVeiw it fires RowCommand Event. In this event we have to handle the Delete Button Code. Instead if you are using default Delete Button of GridView then register for RowDeleting event of GridView and for accessing Unique ID columnvalue from database you need to fetch the id from DataKeys collection of GridView.
For e.g.
int EmpId = Convert.ToInt32(dgEmployees.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value);
Place the Textbox control in the grids Footer template for Adding new record. Set the CommandName to CMDAdd for Add button.
Register events for Edit, Update, Cancel button of gridview RowEditing, RowUpdating, RowCancelEditing.
View in GridView
To view data in gridview is very simple. Just create a DataSet using SqlDataAdapter̢۪s Fill method and set the GridViews DataSource Property to DataSet.
Create a Method to Bind the GridView to DataSource named BindGrid. This method fetches data from the GetEmployees method which returns DataSet from Employees table.
Call the BindGrid on Page_Load in !IsPostBack block to fill the grid by default.
private void BindGrid()
dgEmployees.DataSource = GetEmployees();
private DataSet GetEmployees()
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString =ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Conn"].ConnectionString;
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * From Employees", conn);
return ds;
catch { }
return null;
Edit in GridView
For Editing Register RowEditing event of GridView. To switch the normal mode to Edit mode of gridview EditIndex property plays important role. EditIndex specifies which row is in edit mode by setting RowIndex to it. By default EditIndex of gridview is -1 (Normal mode).
If you want to edit 3rd Row then set the EditIndex to 2 (Row index starts from 0,1,2..).
After setting editindex refresh the grid by calling BinGrid. GridViewEditEventArgs object knows the current row index so getting row index of the selected row in gridveiw is not big deal; just
e.NewEditIndex (e object of GridViewEditEventArgs).
protected void dgEmployees_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
dgEmployees.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;
Cancel in GridView
For Cancel just reset the GridView editindex to default i.e. -1 and refresh the grid.
protected void dgEmployees_RowCancelingEdit(object sender, GridViewCancelEditEventArgs e)
dgEmployees.EditIndex = -1;
Update in GridView
For Update register RowUpdating event of the gridview. Find the Unique id for updating the row from DataKeys collection of gridview.
int EmpId = Convert.ToInt32(dgEmployees.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value);
Find the controls in the selected row by using FindControl method of gridviews rows collection and collect data from the text boxes.
TextBox txtname = dgEmployees.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtEmpName") as TextBox;
TextBox txtdesign = dgEmployees.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtDesignation") as TextBox;
Finally update the row and refresh the grid.
if(txtname!=null && txtdesign!=null)
UpdateEmployee(empId, txtname.Text.Trim(), txtdesign.Text.Trim());
dgEmployees.EditIndex = -1;
Complete code-
protected void dgEmployees_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
int empId = Convert.ToInt32(dgEmployees.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value);
//Find Text boxex
TextBox txtname = dgEmployees.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtEmpName") as TextBox;
TextBoxtxtdesign=dgEmployees.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtDesignation") as TextBox;
if(txtname!=null && txtdesign!=null)
UpdateEmployee(empId, txtname.Text.Trim(), txtdesign.Text.Trim());
dgEmployees.EditIndex = -1;
Custom Delete in GridView
For Delete register RowCommand event of the gridview. Find the Unique id for deleting the row from DataKeys collection of gridview. Check for CommanName and invoke delete method for the selected row.
protected void dgEmployees_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName.Equals("CMDDelete"))
int EmpId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
//Refresh Grid
Add in GridView
Adding from GridView is just some trick with Footer Template. I added textboxes and a add button in the footer row of the gridview. When u are in Normal mode it is visible else it is invisible to synchronize between edit and add.
Like Updating find the Textbox and pass the values to Addemployee method like
else if (e.CommandName.Equals("CMDAdd"))
TextBox txtname = dgEmployees.FooterRow.FindControl("txtEmpName") asTextBox;
TextBox txtdesign = dgEmployees.FooterRow.FindControl("txtDesignation") as TextBox;
if (txtname != null && txtdesign != null)
AddEmployee(txtname.Text.Trim(), txtdesign.Text.Trim());
The Complete code for EditEmployee, AddEmployee, UpdateEmployee, DeleteEmployee is in Source File.
The code should be in RowCommand event only. Due to this we use CommandName for different button control to differentiate between the type of code to be handled by gridview.
Thanks Mr.Mukundh
This example helped me a lot...
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